Online Application for Open Burning Permits
Berkshire County

Program Overview

With the use of District Local Technical Assistance grant funds through the State of Massachusetts, the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) has created an onā€line burn permit program to streamline workload and improve services to area residents. Since January 2011 the BRPC has been able to offer this service though a consultant.

Privacy Policy

The information collected through this service will be:

The address and telephone number will be released to your local fire department, which may use this information to contact residents regarding their permit. For example, per Mass. Dept. of Environment Protection regulations, the local fire department may cancel a permit at any time. If a sudden change in weather conditions requires a burning ban, the fire department will contact residents using this information. This information will also be provided to other governmental entities that need to monitor open burning, including the Berkshire County Sheriff's office and other local fire departments in Berkshire County.

The information will never be released to a party that does not have a legitimate need for information regarding open burning permits in Berkshire County.

As far as our host is concerned, any information on the site is private and will not be used or released unless forced to by U.S. law or a court order.

WHOIS Information for

Anyone who owns a domain name, such as is required to provide contact information (name, address, email) for the WHOIS database. Once in the database, this information is public. The BRPC consultant uses a service to protect their privacy. If they receive anything legitimate, they will forward it to BRPC.

Questions? Email Please do not email requesting a permit. Permits are not issued in advance of the day you wish to burn nor are they issued in response to emails. Use the on-line system to obtain your permit on the day you wish to burn.

If you have problems using this system, please contact your town directly to obtain a permit.

Privacy Policy and Program Infomation